Tuesday, December 25, 2012

DSFAA January Meeting Reminder

REMINDER: THE JANUARY 7 MEETING FOR DSFAA WILL BE AT THE OLD CITY HALL AT 115 MATTIE ST. DENHAM SPRINGS, LA. The meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. The parking lot is on the side, in back, some on the street and this area is well lit. The trustee in charge is Mrs. Patti Smith. She will open the building for us. Please don't forget the meeting and new meeting place. Looking forward to seeing you there. We have a panel of new officers to start off the year. Every member is a necessary part in making our activities and events, especially our shows successful throughout the year. Please check which committee you would like to be a part of in 2013. Sign the committee list at the January meeting or let our new president Peggy Schwab know what you can do. If DSFAA remains successful everyone must take part this year. DSFAA COMMITTEE LIST 1. SHOW COMMITTEE Conducts all activities involved in doing a show and gets judge for show. 2. PROGRAM COMMITTEE Finds speakers/artists for monthly program features at each meeting. 3.PUBLICITY COMMITTEE Maintains membership list: compiles information for the newsletter: publishes and mails monthly newsletter, sends press releases to newspaper 4.SPECIAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE Develops ideas for projects and organizes special events for purpose of promoting community awareness and involvement in the visual arts. 5.HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Organizes refreshments for monthly meeting: plans Christmas pary, receptions, etc 6. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Work on finding ways to get new members (ask old members to renew memberships)

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